Make Your Tapping More Effective

BEFORE YOU START CHECK YOUR SUDS LEVEL – SUDs stands for Subjective Units of Distress. If you check in with how high you are on the scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being not at all distressed to 10 being the highest level of distress, you now have an objective way of measuring change. … Read more

Selfishness Versus Self-care

Is Self-Care Eluding You? How are you at taking care of yourself? You may know that you are lacking in this area or you may think you do take care of your needs. You may not realize that the level of care you give yourself is far less than optimal, and may even tip the … Read more

Breathe, Just Breathe!

A while back I was just having one of those days, I was in a crappy mood, sort of just blah, focused on everything that was going wrong. We all have them. I know that the best thing is to be present with what’s going on, ask what it is I need right now, can … Read more

Inverse Paranoia

This morning I was reading my Tapping Into Ultimate Success  by Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner (a  great read by the way, and I hope to put it into my products page when I get it up) and ran across the term Inverse Paranoia. Unlike paranoia which means everyone is out to get you, inverse paranoia … Read more

Mindfulness For Healing

Mindfulness seems to be a new buzz word, with good reason. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with  information coming at us from all directions, and if we aren’t multitasking it doesn’t quite feel like we are getting enough done. So what is Mindfulness?  Quite simply it is present moment awareness, … Read more