Benefits Of Reiki In Addiction Recovery

Healing Hands

Addiction is prevalent in the world today and touches the lives of so many people. It is devastating to the mental, physical and emotional lives of all those involved. Addiction can ultimately damage the mind, body, spirit, and soul. A helpful and healing recovery program includes looking at all these areas. In a treatment program … Read more

5 Steps To Improve Your Relationship With Yourself

You may have wondered about how to have healthier relationships with others. You may have even wondered about having more self-love or how to be happier with who you are. But, have you considered that the relationship you have with yourself has everything to do with the relationship you have with others. No other relationship … Read more

What Is Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is an alternative healing modality that uses crystals or gemstones. Using Crystals for emotional healing, balancing the body, and even for prosperity has been around for centuries, it is not a new subject. It is however growing in popularity. There are references to the use of crystals as far back as 5000 years … Read more

How To Quiet Your Inner Critic – Appreciate Yourself

Most of us have an overactive inner critic. This can make it challenging to give our self credit for what we are doing right, and instead have us focus on all the ways we feel we fall short. Even recognizing our admirable traits and characteristics makes some of us nervous, like our ego is too … Read more

EFT Script For Self Love – Building Self Esteem

Do you struggle with social anxiety and low self-esteem. Some of the strategies I incorprate when working with a client with challenges around social anxiety and self esteem include developing awareness of self talk, being mindful, and incorporating relaxation techniques. One of the best methods that combines all three is utilizing Tapping or Emotional Freedom … Read more